sábado, 12 de fevereiro de 2022

Age of Phobia

Roberto da Silva Rocha, university professor and political scientist

Books at Amazon.com

Age of Phobia





Fear of global warming. Fear of covid19. It is true that we have suffered from a pressure of psychic violation since World War II, when an era of peace was supposed to be the consequence of the brutal destruction of the atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan, where for many reasons justifiable or not an era of instantaneous destruction of humanity was opened for the first time.

The degradation or destruction of humanity can be identified by probable or non-probable threats, the list of which is also as controversial a question as the reasons or motive that led the US to launch the two of the four atomic bombs that could be produced by the capacity of the uranium refining machines of that time.

Bluff, if not for Soviet espionage and the defection of some Americans involved in the Manhatthan project that created the first American atomic bomb we would be in a new Reich the fourth this time under Americanized Nazism. The clues to this are widely present such as:

1 -The new Constitution of Japan was dictated by General Mc Arthur of the USA;

2 -The new international currency that would replace the British pound sterling was to be the Special Drawing Right, a new currency formed by funds from the major currencies of Europe;

3 - The US imposed the Dollar with the promise that the SDR could be a fully gold-backed dollar;

4 - Reagan breaks gold-dollar parity and kicks humanity's ass and backs gold into petrodollars;

5 - During the cold war the USA keeps B52 bombers loaded with nuclear weapons flying over the USSR borders 24 hours ready to attack;

An arms race begins with the flight of the first artificial satellite Sputnik and the first animal space travel with the dog Laika placed in earth orbit and finally the first human being in space, these three feats achieved by the USSR, it was a panic in the US the disparity in capability of the USSR which implied that a small nuclear bomb could be housed in the same rocket that carries satellites into space.

We have been following a world under continuous threats since 1939 since the beginning of WW2.

When the maritime blockade of Cuba began we couldn't imagine it would last for 58 years! This policy was invented by President Kennedy in order to pressure the population to overthrow their governments by starving all imported goods and destroying the economy until the population revolted and ousted their disobedient leaders with Washington.

What went wrong with the policy of isolation and blockades?

This aggression was not understood by the local population as a result of the mistakes or the guilt for the isolation caused by the stubborn leaders; on the contrary, it increased the nationalist spirit and the threat to internal sovereignty, and worse, the feeling of humiliation of seeing a foreign country interfering and wanting to dictate and govern another foreign nation, without having been elected to govern other countries.

But this lesson was not yet assimilated, and other countries continued to be framed in the policy of blockades and isolation, with yet another punishment added to the blockade: now the punishment would be one more consequence of the dollarization of the world economy that began with the frustrated Bretton Woods Treaty, which created the gold-backed dollar, now counterfeited and printed at Washington's will without any ballast.

Then, the world economy was frustrated with the fake dollar, and when countries that had transferred custody of their gold bars to the US treasury, asked for repatriation, they were denied, and with great cost, countries like Germany, France and England managed, after many negotiations, to send back to their respective central banks their gold bars that had been in Fort Knox in the US since World War II.

With the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989, and the dissolution of the USSR in the following year, the USA declared itself the winner of the world and the only superpower in the world, despite the 14. 000 nuclear weapons still in Russia, and the 240 submarines of the former USSR, it seems that the untrustworthy and daring North Americans that after World War II never withdrew their troops from Europe and Japan, with 1147 military bases in 145 countries before the Iraq war, with 455 military bases only in Europe, never got tired of expanding their empire, passively occupying Hawaii by donating US$700 dollars in compensation for each inhabitant Without consulting the local population, they have occupied the Philippines, Guam and the Manila Islands, the Marshall Islands, and all the continents of the world, created NATO, and are still occupying Portugal with troops that didn't even take part in World War II, so it's hard to think of this country as a defender of freedom, capitalism, democracy and human rights.

According to the Norwegian peace research institute SIPRI, the USA has been permanently at war for 220 consecutive years, with only 8 years without war or military conflict with any nation.

They have killed 20 million civilians who could not even know what was happening to their country, they lie permanently and it was not only in the episode of the fake weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, The biggest lie is to oblige Europe to commemorate the victory day of World War II on June 6, 1944, when one year before the victory that took place on May 1, 1945, General Zukhov's troops arrived in Berlin and ended the war in Europe with the surrender of the Germans to the Russians, not to the Americans.

We are in the age of gynecophobia where on this date February 17, 2022, Hollywood film production is totally dominated by stories and plots 100% starring women, and the rest are films and productions dealing with homosexual male couples.

Gynecophiles are building the age of women.

We had the anthropocentric era since the Renaissance and the Enlightenment, which destroyed the era of theocentrism and the French Revolution and American independence ended the era of Monarchy that was confused with monarchical religion and the political dominance of the papal and monastic diarchy.

Ending this era where God was above humanity, and the monarch and the court signaled the natural hierarchy of people, the French Revolution stripped away the noble blood and promised equality among all human beings, but instead of making everyone noble it equalized everyone as simple common people, ending the idea of social hierarchy.

It was easy for Karl Marx to destroy any idea of subordination and submission between people. We are all equal and any hierarchy became an aberration, then he founded the most radical idea of equality in human civilization: the material equality of patrimony, any wealth or property would be a criminal appropriation, all private property is theft, simple as that.

But what was missing was to destroy the last hierarchical structure of civilization, which was the natural hierarchy between the sexes.

This mission fell to the feminists, who built a prehistory where since time immemorial the male oppresses the human female, preventing her growth and her full realization on equal terms with the male.

The central idea of anarchy of humanity is completed with the fall of the last barrier against social structure based on any idea of hierarchy; the hierarchy that became a rejected and abject concept for civilization.

Even animals have acquired the same human rights; now nature, under the idea of preservation; has constituted a framework of rights to preserve forests, so humanity lives a paranoia of freedom and egalitarianism, the dictatorship of equality.

The end of this experiment awaits us the same end as the feudal communism, the Soviet communism, the Greek homosexual society, the lascivious and permissive society of the Roman Empire, the Nazism experiment, the woman as the protagonist of humanity with many anatomical inequalities such as having 1 trillion fewer neurons and 10 trillion fewer neuronal synapses than the man, having a height 15% smaller in physical size, being on average 30% lighter than a male, having a lung and heart 50% smaller than a male, a woman has a bone density 50% less than a male, a woman has a muscular explosion 2 times bigger than a woman, a male has 2 more muscles than a woman, a male has 90% more testosterone, and has 3.5 liters of blood against 2.7 liters of blood from a woman, has 50% more hemoglobins, providing a higher rate of metabolism, none of this will be compensated with androphobic laws of overcompensation to equalize women or else endanger the survival of humanity that depends totally on the male to be a producer of scientific knowledge with 99% of the Nobel Prizes, Mathematics, Physics, Informatics, Chemistry, the woman will continue to be this exotic being looking like a Christmas tree with luminescent paint on the eyelids, hair dye, artificial colors on the lips and face, creams to hide the skin, low-cut clothes exposing her anatomy, exaggerations of all kinds because it is a being devoid of conscience of the ridiculous, everything is allowed to strut and express the unlimited will to be seen and to be admired without any discretion in the maximum potential of narcissism, in a crazed competition for beauty and sensuality completely irrational capable of mutilating his body in search of eternal youth and insane attempt to circumvent aging as if it were possible with the next interference of the plastic surgeon making and remaking his texture to overcome and deceive the genes of natural aging.

How a human being can want to defeat the inexorability of nature can be considered human in the sense of the full function of rationality with this psychopathic and schizophrenic behavior ?


*** Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version) ***

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