sábado, 26 de fevereiro de 2022

bad experts

Roberto da Silva Rocha, university professor and political scientist
bad experts
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Specialists and journalists; it is not possible to inform when the spectacle is more important than the news of the fact. This is how the media profession that seeks only the spectacle, the headline of the day, the journalist's top prize is to be the first, to inform what no one knows, even if revealing a national secret leaves the entire nation vulnerable to enemies, nothing matters to the journalist if not fame, be celebrity.

The journalist is never separated from the political analyst, to begin with, the analyst never uses adjectives, never uses adverbs and never makes value judgments, does not choose the side of the good or the bad. Without it, there is no journalism.

Journalism is a headline, and a headline is a party of someone's misfortune, if there's no misfortune, there's no show, the people want bread and circuses, the Caesars knew it well.
You don't start a war without making a moral criticism of the enemy, you always start with cruelty, injustice, disproportion, extreme violence, it seems that all wars in the world were fought by bad-tempered, unloved generals, who had terrible character, the The rest was just a consequence of these degenerates, the millionaire contracts for soldiers' uniforms, the contracts for the manufacture of weapons, what a sacrifice for the country to defend with a minimum of dignity from unjust aggression, and in the end we can even rape the enemies' wives, kill their little children and bomb their hospitals, hang the tyrant who caused all the suffering because he was a bad character.

All wars were due to bad behavior and bad temper of some psychopath, what a shame to reduce our worst virtues to a handful of moralisms just to hide the greed for profit and power.

Roberto da Silva Rocha, professor universitário e cientista político

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