segunda-feira, 28 de fevereiro de 2022

new pantheism

Roberto da Silva Rocha, university professor and political scientist

Books on

new pantheism

Beliefs and religions are the result of the longest evolution of human creation and thoughts, anticipating Philosophy, and later, Science.


So religion or religions occupied the entire space of the spiritual, metaphysical, philosophical and scientific field, in a much longer period than any branch of human knowledge.


In this long period, religion was ethnographic, ethnocentric and territorial, and some of them, such as Judaism, Islam, Janism, Shintoism, Buddhism, belong to a place, to a language, to a particular ethnicity, so to further complicate understanding it would be as if there were a Physical Science of Quantum Mechanics for each country, each language, for each ethnicity, for each geographic place.


But scientists are smart, and they realized that there could not be two Quantum Mechanics, one for Einstein and one for Niels Bohr.


So they created the development of the understanding of what would be Quantum Physics with the aspects of each scientist aggregating and merging new information and connecting the directions and divergences of all who collaborated for the expansion of the knowledge of Quantum Physics.


There were no particular versions of Quantum Physics, unlike religions that had the perception that there was an intelligence behind the Big Bang, and that behind the natural selection of Darwin's species, there could not be some mechanism so simple in the reasoning of Darwin. Darwin who was unaware of two pillars of biology: DNA and statistics.


There were two sciences ignored by Darwin that did not yet exist, but the theory of evolution of species is the only science that has become a religion based on beliefs, because how can an idea so disconnected so dissonant from cognition and logic still receive so much attention? serious when it should be banned forever as ridiculous?


For, after all, billions of cell variations would arise from a single cell that would give rise to a variety of billions of species, for these species to be then selectively annihilated by the selection mechanism of the environment.


It doesn't seem intelligent: first, because a simple primordial cell with its DNA and RNA would be sufficiently complex, more complex than the entire universe before living beings; second, then comes the idiocy of creating and then destroying species, in what Darwin calls the evolution of species by natural selection.


Pantheism provides us with a clue that all religions and beliefs deal with a being or non-human beings who are responsible for the beginning of everything that is in the universe, and pantheism confuses the universe itself, the work of a creator with a self-creator. and self-created.


Divergences aside, you need to separate what is eternal from what is not, if something is eternal then the degree of evolution and intelligence had enough time to become the domain of all variables in the universe, so the universe is no longer a game of chance and probabilities, has become a deterministic game, with all variations perfectly predictable.


The other conception to be added of pantheism is the memory of time. Time is one of the dimensions beyond those of space and energy, time falls only within the anthropocentric scope, time is a reference for human beings, time does not exist, just as string theory requires that matter and energy be instances of vibrational frequencies, so a new dimension of what we call God needs to be evaluated.

 Our perception of time totally disorganizes the universe, transforming it into a progressive and constant linear event, uniform and continuous, without interruption, without variation and always in one direction in the future. This is just as human as the inventions of the Gods of all religions.

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