sexta-feira, 25 de fevereiro de 2022

Why was there never a nuclear war?

Roberto da Silva Rocha, university professor and political scientist

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Why was there never a nuclear war?

You almost got it right, congratulations Raiam, but the crazy people on both sides, USSR and USA-NATO tried to prove mathematically that it was possible to win an atomic war, so the idea of ​​an arms race came up; the calculations of Robert MC Namara, famous US Secretary of State for Defense was that the more bombs and the more precise the atomic weapon, with an accuracy of a few meters around 3 to 5 meters of target hit, it would be possible to destroy the adversary's arsenal and win a nuclear war, then the defenses would increase the survival of the nuclear arsenal in two ways: increase the amount of nuclear weapons; the second would be to protect with strong bunkers or nuclear weapons shelters in nuclear explosion-proof constructions, on the ground, or in SSBN submarines carrying nuclear missiles.

So what seems rational is actually much more irrational than it seems, that's why the Americans kept the alert for 24-hour flights of B52 bombers loaded with four nuclear bombs, around the USSR to surprise the adversary and win the nuclear war. .

So the war never took place because even with 22,000 nuclear weapons it would take five or ten bombs to send any power to the chipped stone age, so there was never any attempt to start a nuclear war.

It's what MacNamara called MAD: Mutual Assured Destruction. Which also means "crazy" adjective noun word in English.

Roberto da Silva Rocha, professor universitário e cientista político

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