domingo, 27 de novembro de 2022

Create and not copy technology

Create and not copy technology
It is said that AIRpropinaBUS poses a threat to EMBRAER, and that BOEING steals engineering brains from Brazil, mainly from EBRAER.

I don't believe in both statements and points of view.

The first talks about the pseudo competition between AirPROPINAbus and EMBRAER.

The other is the so-called migration of engineers to Boeing.

In the first case, it is easy to understand that EMBRAER does not rely on first world countries or on large airlines as the mainstay of its sales, precisely because of the bargaining power, say, kickbacks and bribes, which will always put these AIRBUS aircraft in large companies, however EMBRAER started selling niche aircraft from the Brasilia and the RJ145 to regional companies and countries on the periphery, the entry of the former Canadian manufacturer Bombardier into the EMBRAER niche market and later, with its sale to AIRpropinaBUS , never became a concrete threat because EMBRAER continues to sell aircraft to markets and companies despised by the big ones, and the first world has 10% of the world's population, which excludes countries and regions with 7.5 billion inhabitants, such as India with 1.4 billion of inhabitants, China with 1.3 billion inhabitants, Indonesia with more than 1 billion inhabitants, Africa with more than 2 billion inhabitants, Asia and the Middle East with more than 2 billion people and inhabitants and Latin America with more than 1 billion, against little more than 1.5 billion inhabitants of Europe and USA, so the origin of EMBRAER was the marginal retail market, and when entering the other niche it was EMBRAER that with offering more than 150-seat models provoked the big ones, not the other way around.

As for the brain drain, I must make two arguments: first, the patents belong to the manufacturers and not to the engineers who migrated but cannot take their patented inventions with the companies where they worked; the second argument is that those who hired experienced engineers also took old and outdated technology, the real gold is in the new ITA and IME engineering students who will create new trends and graduate with new instruments and CAD CAM programs, who copies is the same or below, those who create are always ahead, if BOEING wants the best Brazilian engineers the strategy is to create schools in Brazil or take recent graduates from Brazil.

Roberto da Silva Rocha, professor universitário e cientista político

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