segunda-feira, 21 de novembro de 2022

Ten percent of the world's population wants to be the paradigm and protagonist of the world

Ten percent of the world's population wants to be the paradigm and protagonist of the world

Those same ten percent of the population want to dictate the norms of general conduct as in Qatar during the brief stay on the occasion of the soccer world cup, where the tensions provoked by the millennial situation of local culture collide with the universal world standard dictated by eurocentrism, even trampling the Anthropology maxim that says respect each culture, without hierarchy of immanent rights, according to Hegel, permanent and immutable natural and universal rights are the right to life and freedom, the other rights are relative, contingent, necessary but not indisputable and relativized.

Any new form of rights needs to be agreed upon by the population and the legally established local community as supervening rights such as the right to one's religion outside of a theocentric system, or the right to one's system of government and its political system, the right of family where monogamy or polygamy is established, the right to use goods of collective merit, common usufruct goods such as passages through rivers and lakes, the division of duties of taxes and fees, the system of choice of politicians, and the constitution, are accessory and private rights constructed and constituted with a simple or qualified common majority.

Everything else needs to be respected within the jurisdiction and legal competence of each region and situation, and conflicts and disagreements must be resolved peacefully and through the written and unwritten moral norms of the community. The rest is laceration of the activist minority that seeks only to appropriate the hegemony to impose its particular and minority vision of the world, precisely when only ten percent of the earth's population that lives in Europe and the Americas wants to impose on the 90% of the world's population living between India, China, Indonesia, Asia, Middle East, Africa and who consume only 10% of all energy produced in the world, and only 10% of all cocaine and drugs and alcoholic beverages of all humanity has no morals to impose ethical standards on humanity as a whole.

Roberto da Silva Rocha, professor universitário e cientista político

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