terça-feira, 6 de agosto de 2024

It was of medieval simplicity

It was of medieval simplicity

There is always a temptation for the simplification of civilization perhaps caused by the opposite wave of current civilization paradoxically where every 24 hours we have created more information than one hundred and fifty years have accumulated within a hundred years after.
No one else would be able to follow up on the spread of current information, we need to be able to select and pan information and know where to find information is an insurmountable difficulty, on the other hand we have endless options to enjoy information about anything and all about all things today.
Excessive information means that we no longer have a set of information capable of allowing us to talk and communicate in a consistent way among people, and this cognitive dissonance is the cause of so much irritation on social networks, so many forms of approach and are so many Data and information that people cannot establish a dialogue without ending in a sophistic cast constituting a fallacy of dissonant conclusions.
Earlier, idle words and expressions were created throughout a generation now new words and new meanings are bubbling every weekend, philologists do not realize the vernacular in the same dynamic as meanings are added to new and old Reframed words in language and language to remain up to date, so it is no longer possible to establish a homogeneous communication protocol in the timeline sufficient to allow coding and decoding of language between the transmitter and the message receiver simplifying the rules of syntax and agreement.
We are in need of simultaneous and instant translation to maintain a social communication process that may minimally be possible to exchange ideas between people in a sufficient time to avoid a semiotic rupture.
All the musical theory was defenestrated and simplified in the new hip hop sound, or rap, in electronic music, it was abandoned the chords and melodies developed in musical phrases with a parade of notes in written sequences following the norms of harmony within the armor of Set defined in the pentagram's agenda, the only unobdent resistance was the rhythm that was the only structural component of music that was not abolished, on a rhythm, a musical style is built, the sequence of musical notes was simplified to the monotonous standard medieval of the singing Gregorian monophonic, without sophisticated and varied chords, all very simplified, anyone can be a music artist or a poet or a producer of content from social networks.

Roberto da Silva Rocha, professor universitário e cientista político

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