quinta-feira, 8 de agosto de 2024

The Selfie Generation

The Selfie Generation

Generations prior to the invention of digital cameras and video recorders had a timeline of at least 2 hours between the capture of images by the photographic device and the development of the latent images recorded on the chemical photographic film support and the fixing of the images, called image development. This wait to see the images could extend for weeks after the images were taken.

With the invention of image capture devices using solid-state semiconductor devices that convert light rays into electrical current, thus capable of processing images through electronic image signal programming algorithms, they are able to process images, record and reproduce images entirely electronically without the use of films, or allow printing and projecting these same images using video devices.

Our generation did not take selfies and had to wait a long time between the place and the moment where the photographs were taken and the laboratory where the photographs were developed. In practice, this time period took a day or even overnight to meet the queue of requests to be fulfilled at the image development service store.
So we got used to waiting for the moment of development as if it were an event of searching for the images of the photos that was always a big surprise, and the images taken did not have any feedback, which is why people flew blind from the pose for the photos to the moment of receiving the result of the images.
In the current phase of the timeline, we can see ourselves immediately and retake the images taken immediately to correct them and even observe the image directly through the viewfinder at the same time that the images are being captured instantly and immediately.
This interaction in the immediate timeline has changed the relationship between people and their image like never before, and transformed people's reactions to the images, and this feedback produces an immediate reaction of rectification and ratification of the self-image.
This possibility of monitoring their self-image all the time has transformed narcissistic people into essentially exaggeratedly narcissistic people.
Our generation had a costly, expensive, scarce relationship with its own image. The new generation has built and constituted its personality centered on images. Mainly on its own image. There has never been another model of society without this total cult of one's own image.
The solipsism that was a side effect of narcissistic people has become a normal pattern built by the immediacy of the image through cell phone cameras that can create selfies.

doctrine according to which only the self and its sensations effectively exist, with other entities (human beings and objects), as participants in the single thinking mind, being mere impressions without their own existence [Although often considered an intellectual possibility (limit case of idealist philosophy), it has never been fully endorsed by any thinker.].

The camera on a cell phone has made people narcissistic and solipsistic, and social networks can hide people and protect them through anonymity and masks through the use of fake images and fake profiles. This allows people to say almost anything while protected by distance and impersonality. Just like in the movies, you can create any fictional novel, create characters and scenarios, and convince people of fantasy lives full of false successes and imaginary wealth and prosperity. The world of fraud has opened up to humanity, crossing time zones, continents, languages, cultures, ideologies, and religions. Hell is within everyone's reach.

Roberto da Silva Rocha, professor universitário e cientista político

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