quarta-feira, 9 de fevereiro de 2022

Bible Legends

Roberto da Silva Rocha, university professor and political scientist
Bible Legends
Books at Amazon.com

Sacred books tell legends, myths and the bible has its myths, they are the myths denied by its followers, never admitted by any believer.

The bible for its believers is an inerrant holy book, for the theologians the bible is a work material, for the profiteers of the faith the bible is a source of income and for the fanatics the bible is a source of awe, terror, fear and passion.

I keep asking myself: how would the best-selling book of human history be without its legends, denying itself as a book of legends, or, the book that contains legends?

I imagine that in order to be respected by intellectuals and scientists, the most unlikely legends would be excluded from the bible, what would the bible be like without the fantastic stories of Noah's Ark?

You could start by excluding the first of them: the creation of the world and the Garden of Eden.

Atheists could celebrate this and would take the opportunity to replace creationism with the greatest of Astrophysical legends, the fabulous Big bang. But what a pity that the Big bang was weakened by sabotage by the Astrophysicists themselves who patched up the Big bang's snap by the superinflation that is a real, exceptional explosion that violates all the laws of physics and mathematics. The Big bang was the first violation of the laws of physics but proved to be very problematic mathematically.

Science has its dogmas and myths, called by Robert Merton as deterministic dogmas, as in Mathematics the well-known riddle of the indeterminacy of the square root of two, others like the indeterminism of pi, or division by zero and other indeterminisms.

The difference between science and religion is that science is self-critical and believers are intolerant of doubt.

What would it be like to rewrite a new version of the bible without the legends of Jonah in the belly of the whale, without Samson's magic hair, without the crossing of the Red Sea, without multiplication of the loaves, without the Tower of Babel, without the resurrection. 

But such a Bible would be a disaster, nor could science bear to live without Darwin's legend of spontaneous generation and the Theory of Evolution of the Species. 

Even science exaggerates a bit, Eisntein was slow to swallow the quantum phenomenon of Fresnell's double slit where a photon is able to pass through two parallel slits at the same time, or Einstein's time contraction of the transluminar velocity that forced time correction for GPS to work with low error tolerance.

*** Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version) ***

Roberto da Silva Rocha, professor universitário e cientista político

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