quarta-feira, 31 de agosto de 2022

end of globalization

end of globalization

After the Bretton Woods international conference, where important guidelines for the post-war world economy were agreed, with some decisions that impacted the political and geopolitical organization of humanity, then the dollar emerged as the international anchor currency and reference to the currency board, and with other measures such as the creation of SWIFT, the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund, and consequently, the ICO, OECD, thus, between Washington and Geneva, the main decision-making centers in the world that rivaled the UN and NATO were left.

On the other side of humanity, which was divided into three spheres, initially unnoticed from the beginning, were the countries of the Middle East, with ethnic characteristics and Islamic and Arab religious theocentrism; the NATO World and its environs; and the Soviet world and its adjacent partners.

When it is least expected, Washington's destruction of this model due to a miscalculation of the democratic government, which with blind hatred managed to dismantle the hegemony achieved with the world currency board and, with this, collapse the entire structure of the dependency theory gestated in the centers of the OAS house, which gave impetus to the globalization process.

The dream of the former USSR becomes reality after the collapse of the USSR, which was the destruction of the world dominance of the currency board, because the democrats did not understand that they already had the dominance of the structural sphere in the Marxist sense of the world economy, controlling the flow of currencies. that really mattered, but wanted to add military and strategic control to the hegemony package.

This mistake started when he indiscreetly started to expand NATO beyond the Urals, without considering the 14,000 warheads lying dormant under the Siberian steppes where bears usually sleep in their winter hibernation, but hibernation looks like death but it's not death, the bear looked dead and with the economy destroyed, but 14,000 nuclear warheads and strategic vectors to launch against their enemies only indicated the bear's hibernation.

The mistake was made, and exacerbated in the face of unilateral sanctions that did not go through the same international bodies that were agreed at Bretton Woods, therefore illegitimate, which critically shook the foundations of the international fiduciary system, leaving even NATO allies perplexed in the face of the breach of trust. and the fragility of relying on a single pole that can print and circulate the only international currency, block deposit funds and securities from other states without a court ruling and without the support of any multilateral and international body, only the decision of a country's president can decide the fate of any nation's funds and finances unilaterally, was a bad example. Scary, it scared all NATO members even though they weren't the target of extreme measures.

Confidence in the US currency is definitely destroyed, nothing can replace it, nothing can guarantee it. It is hell and international disorder and it will only be resolved in the world war, as were the other two previous ones.

Roberto da Silva Rocha, professor universitário e cientista político

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