segunda-feira, 12 de setembro de 2022

the corpse queen

the corpse queen
What sense did it make for England, Scotland and the United Kingdom, for the consortium of the British community spread all over the world, that a fossil corpse remained in the figure of a decaying, cadaverous, semi-mortal, lapsed monarch, a living ghost, who barely knows about social media, doesn't have a smart phone, doesn't know what asymmetric warfare is, doesn't know what cryptocurrency is, doesn't know what blockchain is, doesn't have the slightest idea what stealth aircraft is, doesn't know what means hypersonic missile, even so the succession of the throne passes only through death to its heir already old and tired to continue the conduct of the monarchical state when all workers should be retired, this strange behavior was never criticized because it puts the nation and the community without thinking about the state just so as not to lose the power and perks of a monarchy, which only contributed to accentuating the anachronism of this ancient institution. Only death brought some dignity and seriousness to the role of the office. It is unfortunate, how a person can cling so stubbornly and vanity to the position that no politician could in full physical and intellectual capacity perform without a rigorous medical examination of eligibility for the position.

Roberto da Silva Rocha, professor universitário e cientista político

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