sexta-feira, 2 de setembro de 2022

God is not human

Roberto da Silva Rocha, professor universitário e cientista político

God is not human
As we can see in the first minutes of a religious ceremony in a Christian temple, whether Protestant or Catholic, it is the belief in the powers and goodness of God, this belief comes from the expectation of behavior that the believer experiences in his faith that he can please God. and get your blessings.
At some point in history when the first lines of the first books of the old testament of the collection of sacred books that since the year 324 came to be called the bible at the Council of Nicaea in present-day Turkey, under the organization of Emperor Constantine, we know of the errant trajectory to constitute this collection from the first papyri and scrolls that were coordinated to form the Torah, then the Septuagint, and thus went through a long process of editions to form a still controversial body of literature whose collections dispute the legitimacy of being the only version authentic and faithful scripture from the 83 holy books collection of the ethiopians holy bible version, the 76 holy books version of the orthodox church bible version, the 73 books composite version of the holy bible of the catholic version, the collection current of 66 books of the post-Lutheran Protestant version, where 13 books were excluded by Martin Luther, and seven of them were added back in the version Protestants, since Luther never founded religion, he died excommunicated and unchurched.
That said, and speaking about the God of the bible in any version, the God of the Jews of Judaism Yahweh or YHWH never showed himself face to face to any human being, according to the narratives of the Torah and the books of the Old Testament, in the New Testament God never speaks to any human being, on the contrary, in the old testament and the Torah, God speaks to a few and especially chosen people, speaks to the serpent of the Garden of Eden, speaks to Adam, speaks to Eve, speaks to Abel, speaks to Cain , talk to Noah, talk to Abraham, talk to Jacob, so he talks to Moses, talks to people who need to be clean and purified in special moments where his face never appeared because no man has seen the face of God.
This small audience that had the privilege of speaking and being heard by God has multiplied from Christianity, where the habit and belief that one can speak to God in what they call a prayer or a prayer was introduced in Christian churches, something that never happened in the pre-birth phase of Jesus Christ as this was never possible nor authorized by God.
Where did the idea and practice of prayer and prayer come from, where nowhere in the word in the Old Testament is it authorized for people to seek to speak with God without being summoned by God, inverting the entire practice from Adam and Eve to the birth of Jesus?
This is an interesting question because I never found the answer in the Old Testament about this permission given by God for people to address God without being summoned, making this human and ordinary act a kind of electronic mail with an email, an SMS or a Whatsapp to the sky.
Once the habit of prayers and prayers has been naturalized, no one finds it inconvenient to bother God at the moment that suits them and talk about their problems and anxieties, and ask for forgiveness and favors at any time and in any place, without the least support of the old testament. ?
Everything changed in the new testament, exactly after the death of Jesus when a new non-Jewish sect began to be called the Way and then began to be called Christianity, in honor of Christ, soon Jesus who never visited other temples other than the synagogue Jewish, now with Paul, Peter, Luke, Apollo these heretics start a new sect that at first met in people's homes, these people sold everything they had and distributed their riches to the poor and continued preaching salvation through Galilee, then leaving the Galilee region to places where Jesus never traveled, as Jesus never preached to other people outside Galilee, this should mean something, as Jesus would never forget or neglect cities outside Galilee out of laziness, this behavior should be understood with the exclusive mission of giving a new Judaism against the rigidity of the Pharisees and Sadducees, perhaps even to give a new face to Judaism, but he never founded that Way and the main did not know Christianity while living on earth.
God who has never been seen in person is not human, we need to dehumanize our image and expectation of a human God. God has no mercy, see II Samuel when he says that an evil spirit from God entered Saul and he threw his sword to kill David; elsewhere God commands the Levites to kill three persons from each tent in the wilderness of Sinai; so God kills all the animals and all the people drowned in the flood saving only Noah and his family; God destroys with a nuclear explosion the city of Sodom and also Gomorrah because he does not like sexual and moral debauchery; so umto blame God is nothing more than a human error.
God is neither just nor unjust, he is neither good nor evil, God has no physical appearance, he has no material body that means that without matter he doesn't need to be in places, he doesn't need people to sing non-stop those horrible and tearful songs in the services, God it doesn't need flattery or promises or sacrifices, it doesn't need temples or stupid and petty promises.
How is God?
The closest we can get to a conception of God would be through the help of the photon analogy.
After the experiment of phantom photons passing through a narrow double slit, or double slit in which Fresnel counts for each photon that leaves the source two photons are detected in the bulkhead, in what Einstein called Phantom Physics, the new Quantum Physics that came to be banned by the United States Senate as diabolical and unchristian.
Thus, God who does not have a physical body can be understood as an entity like a photon, for example, that can be in two places at the same time and communicate with each other instantly, that is: faster than the speed of light, this has already been verified in quantum physics laboratories.
When I watch a video where a jaguar suffocates a baby antelope to mercilessly devour its innards, when I watch another video where a snake suffocates a cow to devour it whole, I see a computer graphics simulation of a star as large as the star Cyrius capable of occupying the same space as the orbit of Venus, when I see a computer simulation of the Hubble satellite showing a huge black hole destroying an entire planetary system I see that the same God of religions does not use the same human feelings, nor the same human logic, has no mercy , nor goodness, none of the human feelings, it is not subject to human morals and ethics, our behavior rule cannot be the same as God's, so it's time to deconstruct the image that religions have made of God, which in the midst of of 400 billion stars in the Milky Way galaxy chose the little blue planet and put billions of living beings from bacteria, deadly viruses, fish, plants and animals to see it. ive in a war for survival in a monstrous battle where each one is forced to dispute the same space and the same contingencies to sustain life on earth, without any logic, without any objective, without any meaning, without any purpose.
That's God.
Simple chance could never bring together 30 proteins from four bases to form chains of millions of genetic information that exist in DNA by a mere whim of chance, as a stupid Charles Darwin wanted to think, human actions always wanting to give meaning to life and a special mission for everything that exists when there is no mission or meaning to the existence of any person or object in the universe.

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