segunda-feira, 14 de outubro de 2024

pi diddy

Roberto da Silva Rocha, university professor and political scientist

pi diddy

It seems that we have all forgotten about the scandals in the Archdiocese of New York that exposed the pedophilia of priests, bishops and clergy with children from parishes from New York to the countries most forgotten by the media, not excluding Africa, Asia and the Middle East that have few Catholic parishes.

Just look at an artist and we immediately remember the theories of Freud, the inventor of Psychology, the Russian Pavlov and his studies on human triggers, or, in psychological language, conditioned reflexes and self-reflexes, or Freud's slips of the tongue.

The human compulsion is to perceive the pleasure zones of the body, from the tongue, to the palate, and the eroticization of areas of the body through voyeurism or simple looking, which is not so simple because the visual is the first contact of erogenous stimulation, the look that opens the appetite for the palate, along with the smell, the aromas, then comes the touch and finally the specialized sexual zones with the ingredient of pleasure to force the human being into the mating ritual, the only physiological purpose of the orgasm and the sensation of pleasure that involves the sexual rite, the rest is a deviation from the purpose.

Women need to attract men. They undress, dress, and make insinuations with their soft, tuned voices, soft skin, and smooth curves, voluminous and round shapes, prominent breasts, wide thighs, accentuated hips, all to ensure the perpetuation of the species. But then pregnancy comes and there are six to nine months of deformity in the belly, swollen and painful breasts, leaking milk, and before pregnancy there is the discomfort of menstruation, which is the warning of the end of their genital areas and the high level of hormones that maintain the splendor of stunning beauty from thirteen to thirty years of age, when the accelerated phase of decay and decline of splendor and feminine beauty begins. We humans have redefined all of nature's engineering work and transformed the simple act of the species' reproductive function into a derivative of pleasure, just as wine tasters do: they smell, look, salivate, regurgitate but throw away the sip of wine, they do everything except drink the wine. Human sex has lost its purpose, we are left with the synesthesia of the sexual act, which is the search for pleasure, nothing more.

Sex can be as addictive as the habit of drinking coffee, wine, beer, whiskey, cigarettes, cigars, gambling, cocaine, marijuana, shopping, clothes, shoes, music, danger, adventure, traveling, reading, social networks, cell phones, gossip, anything that creates a mental dependence and takes control of our will, eliminating the human condition of autonomy over our body and our actions.

Sex addiction, the dependence created by the compulsion of love, passion, and pleasure, distorts reality and blinds us to social and religious restraints, so the brain remains in the anguish of abstinence until the next act, and is never satisfied, only for a moment it feels relief in satiety.

Don't think that I'm condemning Pi Diddy, the Pope, or pedophiles: they all fell into the trap of the mental trigger, the reflex action, the conditioning and need help more than punishment. The pleasure machine needs to be turned off, it's easier to tie your inner dog to the leash of morality and religiosity and ethics and good customs than to try to train it.

Roberto da Silva Rocha, professor universitário e cientista político

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