quinta-feira, 3 de outubro de 2024

Universal Intelligence

Universal Intelligence
Nature is presented to us by the description given by the theory of creation and evolution of species by Darwin's genetic law, which aims to prioritize only the function of perpetuating the species, since it is the work of chance through the roulette of probabilistic luck without intentionality and without any purpose, life, the only thing that Darwin got right in his theory of evolution of the species, because the preservation of the individual is not synonymous with the preservation of the entire species to which the individual belongs, the mutation of the species would have the purpose of preserving the mutant species perfected and adapted to the weather or to simple long-term environmental mutations, as happens with the mechanism of virus variants that escape extinction every time a vaccine or an agent or a new abiotic environment or a new antibiotic is introduced into the environment, in this case its DNA self-corrects and begins to fight for specific preservation to overcome the new weapon against the extinction of the virus strain by producing a new, more resistant genetic lineage, so this Darwinian mechanism described by the theory of natural selection would work for the continuity of all species.

Anthropic human actions that threaten the perpetuation of the human species would provoke automatic reactions of correction and compensation in the mysterious nature that supposes a cosmic intelligence, or, a tremendous random luck, for example: the introduction of antisocial behaviors that are risks and attacks against the perpetuation of the human species;
a) cases are verified in which after wars when the enormous and disproportionate number of males is decimated on the battlefield causing a demographic imbalance of disproportion between the male and female sexes. It was like what happened recently in Slovenia, where the number of female births skyrocketed, greatly increasing the disproportion between the sexes and male births over the same long period in all regions of Slovenia, creating an unnatural disproportion in humanity, where throughout all civilizations and eras of humanity, approximately 50% of people of each male and female sex are born monotonically. So, there in Slovenia, 800% to 900% more baby girls than baby boys were born, and scientists are unable to provide the proper explanation - which should be resolved, according to the theory of evolution of species, by a genetic mutation, which did not happen, on the contrary -;
b) as is the case in Ukraine and Russia, which lost 25 million men in the Second World War, and since that World War, the number of women born today is still much higher than the number of boys born. This would be clear to understand if people stopped to think about natural polygamy and that, on the contrary, monogamy in nature is artificial, a socially conceived practice imposed by morality, which introduced a social distortion to slow down demographic expansion: each woman spends nine months of gestation and a few more months of lactation and care for the unborn, but to compensate for the introduction of monogamy, a little more women would need to be born - 51% to 52% on average - than the number of men. This is the information that nature processes through the mechanism of intra-specific sensitive genetic information of sapiens, which I will discuss in a new chapter, but nature has not yet processed monogamy more quickly when the dysfunctions of war occur.

Meta introduction

This text should begin with this chapter, because it encourages us to think of intelligence as a field displaced from matter and energy, a field autonomous from the universe, from the cosmos, from our human rational cognitive capacity.

Since we designate our organ formed by the brain and its annexes as the locus of intelligence, we should ask and resolve how there is so much intelligence in the pre-brain during the first moments of gestation before the formation of the human fetus or any animal?

The entire work of the three types of RNA is to perform three or four tasks:

1 – create differentiated and specialized cells;

2 – create the specialized organs and functional systems with specialized cells;

3 – Assign the functions of management and integration of the formed organs to or in the structure of the body;

4 – operate the method and protocol of exchange of information and materials between the organs.

If this is not the highest structure and sophistication of alter-brain and pre-brain intelligence, then we will have to define a new concept of intelligence, considering that the three RNAs do all this simply by deciphering the information of the codons inscribed in the DNA sequence, then the result is obtained even before the fetal brain is formed by the same set of RNA; that said, without the fetal brain to command the process of translation of the DNA information by the three With regard to the types of RNA, we will have to admit that intelligence precedes the brain and does not require the fetal brain, since the only brain in the fetus-pregnant symbiosis is the brain of the pregnant woman, where the fetus is the host in the pregnant woman's uterus, therefore all the work of forming the fetus is ante-cerebral. The formation of the fetal brain itself is the work of the three RNAs. The exclusionary hypothesis of the still unformed fetal brain and the incipient or unlikely interaction of the pregnant woman's brain interference leads us to the alternative hypothesis of the invisible and immaterial intelligence that "screams" throughout the universe to be recognized, from the engineering of the structure and art of the "joão-de-barro" bird's house, the beehive in a hexagonal structure design, its organization of division of tasks between the bees called workers and the bees called the protection function, the soldiers who protect the hive from invaders giving their own lives to protect their hive, then seeing the work of the universe, the human designated an artificer, an author for it because human intuition in its logic needs to find a previous cause, or a conductor, a maestro, an engineer to justify so much intelligence, and thus religions and their gods all arise as co-authors causes of this sophisticated work called the universe, invisible authors, called: Buddha, Baal, Yahweh, Elohim, Javeh, El Chadai, Oxalá, Jupiter. Still in the microscopic world, we see two cycles of cellular energy production in the so-called photosynthesis, with the dark cycle carried out in the absence of light, and the phosynthetic cycle carried out in the presence of light. These are absolutely interconnected, organized, sequential phases without us knowing exactly who commands each of these phases to perform the intelligent miracle of photosynthesis.
Another absolutely unquestionable model of intelligence concerns the process of the cell membrane capable of controlling the acid balance of the cell, performing phagocytosis and expelling the waste from cellular ingestion, performing aerobic gas exchanges and regulating its turgidity and hydrostatic balance. The semipermeability of the cell membrane maintains the conditions for the mitochondria to perform cellular functions to maintain and reproduce the cells and their functions. All of this consumes energy, information and intelligence, control and balance mechanisms, feedback and flow of materials.
The first cause of the beginning of everything takes us to infinity with infinite regressions whose principle of causes requires an origin for the origin of the gods; who created what or the first of the Gods? Immortal or eternal gods? Or both?
Let's simplify our epistemology of knowledge: on Earth's scales of distance and time, light crossing our Milky Way would take 100,000 Earth years. Therefore, in relation to humans, eternity would be anything beyond 1 billion years, which has no meaning for us humans; and infinity would be the distance of 1 million light years, nothing on Earth and in our measurements can compare to these temporal and spatial distances, any traveler supposing that he could travel these distances and times would return and find another civilization on his return with billions of years of time lag, which makes any space traveler a chimera with no relevant scientific or historical purpose. Time-space travel makes no sense philosophically, in practice or in fact.
So the beginning of everything needs a cause and a purpose before anything is thought and then created, and so on in an infinite cycle of endless cumulative circular causations.
This notion of eternal and infinite uncreated, unknowable gods that gave birth to these other gods had a spectacular scalability, with complete and perfect initial formation, sequentially from the most basic to the most complex, from: Mathematics, geometry, design, Chemistry, Biology; then they constructed the laws and the laws of formation of laws, mastered from: Thermodynamics, Kinematics, Electricity, Magnetism, Electromagnetism, Dynamics, stoichiometric equilibrium, acid-base reduction reactions, static and dynamic equilibrium, endothermic reactions, exothermic reactions, nuclear reactions, creation of atoms, behavior of photons, electron orbitals, hybridization of paired electrons, hydrogen bonds; creation and selection of species, pollination of plants by insects; animals that fly, animals that swim, animals that breathe air, animals that breathe water; animals with bodies covered with feathers, animals with bodies covered with skin and hair, animals with bodies covered with scales; all species of plants, mammals, carnivores, herbivores, animals that feed on rotting animals, animals that feed on animals that are still alive, animals that crawl on the ground, animals that jump, animals that walk; then the complete work of the universe came into being by magic, or was the work of an ingenious and intelligent architect. aware over millions of years and ages, and now we have another suspect in the organization and creation of the universe: pure intelligence, also called intelligent design, which means nothing without a theory or concept of what intelligent design is.

Poor primitive humans who lived searching the sky for the right questions that would bring them the right answers, and who probably began to imagine the creator who created everything and who must exist somewhere before places existed, so the creator never appears in person, does not send an intelligible sign of his existence and does not communicate, so none of this prevents human beings from trying to imagine what such a powerful being or entity would be like that human beings could take advantage of this power for their own benefit, for this reason they thought of offering gifts and gifts to buy his sympathy and mercy, protection; that's why they invent sacred words, secret rituals, names and sacrificial formulas to please this hidden, mysterious being, for which all strategies to discover have failed so far, but the belief that one can reach the enormous hidden power like the power of the nucleus of uranium 235 atoms that can destroy an entire metropolis, they believe they can find and please the supposed powerful creator of the universe with their prayers, prayers, off-key songs, sacrifices, promises, killing of animals, flowers, food, this is how the stories of the sacred books are told, since the times before human writing in all cultures, from the forests to the unsuspected and cultic Egyptians, so our own suspicions before works like the enormous pyramids and sphinxes in ancient Egypt or before the Egyptian era that left nothing as clues of their construction, are added to the works of nature; a simple cell is more complex than the entire universe, with the functions of selective permeability of its external membrane and mitochondrial processes, plasmolysis, the ingenuity of the cell membrane and nuclear membrane, DNA reproduction, phagocytosis, cell specialization, and our admirable Darwin thought that the “simple” cell appeared by chance, from nothing, to become more complex from there into cellular organisms from viruses to mastodons and whales.

To designate a function for each element of the cosmos, from atoms to living beings, volcanic activities, tsunamis, wind and tide movements, lightning, mountains and earthquakes, everything follows principles that were created, from the food chain of terrestrial living beings, the physiology itself and the adaptability of living beings, the rapid mutation of viruses, all are clues to the speculation that intelligence is part of the autonomous universe. Isaac Newton did not create the laws of Classical Mechanics, he merely demonstrated what existed, simply because nature and the universe did not have to wait for Newton's discoveries to function mathematically, even with all the limitations of Newton's sensitive and limited human knowledge.
The case of the little blonde girl with blue eyes, daughter of black Nigerian parents
It happened in a maternity hospital in London, when inside the delivery room, that black Nigerian woman living in London as an African migrant gave birth to a beautiful girl, and the doctor who performed the delivery only believed, without any doubts about the maternal origin of that very blonde girl, with straight hair, very blonde with slight curls, coming out of the placenta of her black mother, so the questions became: who would be the father of a white, blonde, blue-eyed girl?
Her husband was also Nigerian, black with no non-black ancestors, just as his wife, the little blonde's mother was Nigerian with no non-black ancestors, they were simply there in London as refugees, migrants with no relatives in the City of London.
Very carefully, observing the limits of medical ethics and with great legal restraint with an eye on the politics of interracial ethics, they began to ask the blonde girl's Nigerian parents if they could investigate legally and then biologically the antecedents and causes of that apparent phenomenon, initially suspected of being a case of albinism, in vitro insemination, surrogate motherhood, or, at the limit, marital adultery. Eliminating adultery as a cause or in vitro insemination as a marginal cause was easy with a test known as paternal and maternal DNA testing, and this was done discreetly, because when the first suspicions arose upon leaving the maternity ward, the husband or spouse of the woman in labor affirmed his complete and complete trust in his wife's fidelity, ruling out any problem regarding the continuation of the marriage if by any chance their daughter had been conceived outside of marriage.

So they asked for express authorization to begin an in-depth scientific investigation, since this case occurs in one in every million people, or in births, including the case of twin sisters. also in England where one was blonde and the other black in the same birth, leaving no doubt that there would be an anomaly to be studied since hereditary genetic biology cannot answer anything in the face of this breach of expectations and at the limit of the state of the art of genetic science.
We have no choice but to use reproductive biology and DNA science to invade another causality that evokes the expectation of a hypothesis always disregarded by evolutionists or creationists that exists for the branch known as intelligent design that escapes pure and simple chance and the pure and simple belief in an unknowable spiritual being, we need a new theory that overcomes chance and materialistic causality.
It seems to us that the answer brings together the concepts and theorems of: Lamark, Darwin and the creationists to build a consensus theory that respects genetic biology, without epistemological leaps and irrefutable corollaries, following the standard of scientific research methodology.

Redefining the most sacred concepts of: Science, Philosophy, Religions, Gods
1 - We need a new concept for the precise and univocal meaning of the word “life”.
2 - We have to redefine the known and established principles for living species and the mutation or adaptation of species or individuals within one or more species;
3 - Understand what intelligent design means;
4 - Abiotic and environmental factors that trigger mechanisms for new selections of combinations and activation of hidden, inactive, secret, rare, or unknown genes.

An easy word to say, difficult and almost impossible to understand in all its fullness.
The old classic of cinema since the beginnings of Hollywood has always transformed an event never confirmed in humanity in all eras and in every corner of the world, the illustrated resurrection of various versions of the fact of recreating the miracle of life in different ways, from the resurrection of Lazarus in the Bible, the resurrection of Eutychus, the improbable resurrection of Jesus Christ, always present the desire to control life, since always, then, the classic of Frankenstein in its most famous versions until it became its own genre of cinema, the human being reconstructed and made of recovered parts like a car that is repaired with new parts, the dream of repairing the human being by replacing the non-functional parts, so we created implants and transplants, but unlike a car that cannot change tires while moving, the human being cannot be turned off to replace and recover the defective parts, surgeries have to be done without stopping or suspending or interrupting life. After life has ceased, nothing can bring a person back after death. We do not know what makes the difference between a state of life and death.

The civil code of all civilizations establishes exactly when life begins. The clinical laboratory test of Galen's Docimasia proves whether there was life after the birth of the newborn, where in addition to breathing, it needs to undergo ratification, which is the counter-proof given by the histological examination of the digestive system. It needs to know whether the passage of air through the lungs and the pulmonary and cardiac capacity were sufficient to attest that the baby had life and not a mere reflex to the external stimuli of the breath of air through the lungs.

We do not know exactly when a being is alive, if it is in a state of deep coma that can only be induced by cardiopulmonary-vascular support machines.

What is life, or when does the life of the intrauterine fetus begin?

This question can be asked in a religious sense, as it was asked in Father Lodi's doctoral thesis “The Soul of the Human Embryo” in which he reformulated it as the question: “When does the soul enter the body of the fetus?”.
To address this question from the perspective of parapsychology or the science of religion, we will have to work on understanding the terms spirit and soul, in the original Platonic Greek version.
Most of the most important and interesting things in astrophysics and physics are invisible and inexplicable, such as Quantum Mechanics, which scared none other than Einstein and forced the US Senate to ban the study of Quantum Mechanics in universities and schools in the US. Time has passed since Einstein considered this Physics to be ghostly.
Why spirit and soul?
With the importance of current AI comes the reminder that neural network models are based on the physical architecture of neurons, even without knowing exactly what function neurons play in biological brains.
There are no: numbers, letters, images, sounds, flavors in the brain, everything that physically exists in the brain are: blood, oxygen, enzymes, cells, electrical pulses so the magic of information passing through the brain together with the manipulation instructions and the protocol of information and commands of brain programming has in common with computers the same inexplicable circumstance of the total non-existence of: letters, images, s ons in the RAM memory of computers, nor in the logic circuits that execute the instructions of the microprograms, this magic does not require the dissection and understanding of physicists and digital electronics engineers, nor of systems analysts and programmers of basic software logic circuits, for this there are layers that go from the upper level of: high-level human language program such as COBOL, FORTRAN, BASIC, C, JAVA, VISUAL BASIC, DELPHI, CLIPPER, ACCESS, HTML that is compiled and translated into the mnemonic code of assembler language of the symbolic machine code still intelligible final ASSEMBLER that exists in all computers in the world, in every cell phone and in every machine that computes data, then this code is compiled and translated into the code of numbers in binary or hexadecimal no longer intelligible to humans without instrumentation and parameterization and arithmetic operations, or in octal code, and then delivered for the execution of the microinstructions of the machine's firmware through the basic operating system of the logic circuit digital electronics of the internal chip.
When we reach the level of electron flow and electronic currents that symbolize the information that needs to be translated for humans, however, all the computer has are two levels of information: zero and one, called binary. All information about color, sound, letters, videos, images are just zeros and ones inside the digital electronic circuits.
We live in an invisible world of ghostly things such as: time, an institution without substance; the force of gravity; the magnetic field; the electric field, the flow of electric current, are intangible forces and entities of the universe, therefore, speaking of spirit and soul makes us equivalent to physicists and astrophysicists dealing with fictitious entities, just models of behavior of the forces and entities of the universe. What Aristotle conceived of as spirit is the analogue of the mimicked phantom information that flows in the logic circuits of the computer chip, which is not aware of itself and does not know what type and meaning the information has that is processed in the memory banks and in the databases. Information only exists due to the ability of the human spectator to attribute to signs and icons, like a French citizen faced with a text written in Chinese Kenji if he does not know Chinese, it has no meaning for the Frenchman who does not know Chinese.
According to the theory of information and communication, information needs a protocol to modulate the signals according to semantics, the alphabet, and the domain of knowledge, like a doctor can communicate with another doctor but not with a civil engineer because they are in different areas of knowledge with different frames of reference. Layers of information are created to modulate all human knowledge, called disciplines such as: Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, and so we arrive in the 21st century with more than a hundred domains of human knowledge, thousands of operating systems and computer programming languages, data exchange protocols and communication layers between control systems of electromechanical and digital components, and all types of AESA radar systems, motor servo control, modulation systems of all types of finite automatons.
What is the spirit?
What is the soul?
Let's start with life, where we can argue by hypothesis that life enters and leaves the human body simulating death, which would be the separation of the body from the mind, or from the soul. Then we can simulate the hypothesis that we live stages of half-life or semi-death in two situations: when in deep sleep; when in a coma.
Since we dream, our voluntary system is suspended and the parasympathetic system continues to react, controlling vital functions, which, even when awake and distracted, we do not have voluntary control over: heartbeat; breathing; hair standing on end, erection, excitement; sweating; so this state of suspension of the senses resembles death.

With this concept, we advance the meaning of life. Before birth, the fetus, from the stage of development of the cervical spine and the central nervous system, needs to receive the programming or programs to activate the functioning of the brain and cerebellum. From this start of the limbic system of the fetus, its basic operating system begins to operate even without autonomous processing due to the lack of data flow and information processing demands from other systems and organs.

Life ceases to be something continuous and permanent: it is semi-permanent, fluid and indefinite. It does not end or begin suddenly or in a defined way, it comes and goes little by little in layers and stages. Life in the autonomous vegetative stage and intelligent life under the demand of the will respond to the awakened spirit. If we did not know when the life of the fetus begins or when they acquire the soul or their human personality, complete and complex, we will never know, now we introduce the old belief of the Platonists or the Egyptians, or of the Hindu witchcraft of the mental psychosis or transmutation of souls after the death of the body transmuting into another form of life or into a stage beyond the earth, as preached by religions derived from Christianity, then, eternity is demonstrated by this theorem given in the corollary of invisible things in the universe more abundant than visible and palpable things given by the theorem of half-life or half-death.
There is then a stage in which spiritual life no longer returns to the body, being a stage of inertia of life just a piece of meat still reacting with a piece of meat from a slaughtered cattle still pulsating in the butcher's shop many hours after the animal was slaughtered in the slaughterhouse, that piece of reflex pulse no longer has life.
The spirit of the animal no longer returns to that individual after being separated from it, but, we still have to explain why amputees still feel their parts after being separated from the body? How can mothers interact with their distant children who suffer the same pains even without knowing what is happening to them?
How does saliva react under microscope inspection at a distance from its owner according to the emotions it feels even after the saliva has been expelled much later?
This field demonstrates that there is a world called spiritual that could also be treated as a quantum field because it holds within itself some of the characteristics and properties of photons and their pair of twin photons. This could explain the passage of the same photon through two parallel gaps at the same time in the Young and Fresnell experiments, proving the ubiquity of photons and pairing, or the so-called entanglement of simultaneous and instantaneous universal quantum states of the Boose-Einstein-Podoslki-Rosen experiment.
The spirit is just information without substance or quantum state, without energy or matter. Spirit is a pure instance in the object life. It is devastating to discover that we live abandoned in nothingness, just counting on luck without being able to complain to anyone about our bad luck, nor do anything to change our destiny, everything we do and plan always depends on factors over which we have no control whatsoever, there are other variables and parameters that are at random, just chance, there is no point in blaming anyone or ourselves, there are no punishments to be fulfilled for our faults, nor rewards for good and for good actions and good practices, successful people could not even repeat their lives and certainly another clone of Bill Gates would not be the same nor would it bring the same results, each step of his life was unique, at the moment that was never repeated, he had no idea what would happen in the future, in the past, therefore, there is nothing to celebrate because he was not the guardian of his own success nor could he direct his life with such wisdom and premonitory pretension, following each step and making each decision as if he could anticipate the steps and consequences of the other party so that everything would fit into his life. I saw three young men in Brasília create the greatest invention of all time, in 1973, the so-called BINA, which is present in all cell phones. The lives of those young men in the same electronics course at CETEB could be much more important than Jeff Bezzos from Amazon, or Larry from ORACLE, or Bill Gates from Microsoftware, or Ellon Musk from X and EpaceX, or Zuckerberger from META, or any of the titans of modern technology, but the greatest invention of the century after GPS was left penniless because their patents were stolen, declared in a final sentence by the Superior Court of Justice that the BINA invention does not belong to them, it belongs to all humanity because it is a natural consequence of the inevitable evolution of technology and is therefore not an invention, and does not belong to them as a priority or pioneering role. We are loose in space, abandoned to fate, lost, without a guardian, without a guide, without a protector, without a judge for our actions, without punishments or rewards, we are the most important creatures in the universe where it matters, we are the best and the worst in the universe, the only intelligent species in existence, therefore, we need to free ourselves from the masters and overseers that we ourselves created, we are not slaves of gods or of God, we are sovereign, we are free, autonomous, autarchic, the main creatures in the entire universe.

Roberto da Silva Rocha, professor universitário e cientista político

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