domingo, 13 de outubro de 2024

Virtual world of the internet space: cickbait solipsism

Virtual world of the internet space: cickbait solipsism

The days of printed newspapers and the post office delivering letters on paper, handwritten or typed, or printed on printers connected to a desk top or laptop, now known as a notebook, are long gone.
To be a writer or editor of a daily or weekly newspaper, one had to be a privileged writer with extraordinary knowledge of all the grammatical nuances of the complex Portuguese language, pass through a selection funnel for editorial staff, and maintain a high standard of writing skills and a keen sense of keeping up with and understanding the best interests of the masses who could afford to buy a newspaper daily and stay up to date with the most precarious and perishable information in the world. On the day of printing, the newspaper usually has its cover price printed on the front page in the early hours of the morning. By the end of the afternoon of the same day, it is worth a cent, and the next day its pages have become trash or fish wrapping paper in the popular market or in the street markets selling equally perishable food.
With the creation of the social networks ORKUT, FACEBOOK, INSTAGRAM, anyone can be a writer and communicate with millions instantly without going through the rigorous selection process that existed in the major newspaper editorial offices, and immediately receive an avalanche of access from readers, many of them angry, who can join or attack in the opposite direction and respond right there on the social network. This created a battle of exchanges of insults, caresses, accusations and manipulations, hence the emergence of the term lacração, which apparently means silencing the other with catchphrases or by simple refutation, generally followed and reinforced by insults. Soon the internet became a battlefield of ideas, without rules and without ethics, drawing the attention of the owners of ideologies and the control of the single thought of international groups and showing the world the ills and the caverns of the old centers of anthropocentric creation of humanity that lived entrenched in the great universities and institutes of thought and social research such as the Ford Foundation, Stanford, BBC, RAND Institute, IPEA, IBGE, USP, major newspapers that They came down from their intellectual pedestals, from the castles of superb wisdom, and became supporting actors for anonymous and amateur internet analysts.
The writing style changed from an academic format to a free clickbait, a news bait, where they try to prove against real facts that the first lady of the USA, Michelle Obama, is a transsexual woman, even with photos from her childhood and her biography, testimonies from her childhood friends and relatives, photos of her pregnancy, but the urban legend is overcome by the avalanche of the powerful tsunami that reaches 1 billion clicks of ok or likes and downgrades of false and unfounded news in a few weeks; The internet has turned the once-cult discretion and humility upside down to exalt ostentation, a little world that needs to be perfect with selfie photos and videos of wonderful moments at the mall, on the beach, at McDonald's showing off the Big Mac and Coca Cola on the table with friends, the beautiful girlfriend, everything is perfect in other people's lives, everything except the truth, courses to get rich immediately in the old overnight turnaround now transformed into day trading, through super fast programs capable of distinguishing in every fraction of a nanosecond the small variations in the values ​​of derivatives and currencies and obtaining gains by making transactions to change the investor's position, guaranteeing a cumulative profit where micro seconds in imperceptible percentage variations create a proportionally large result due to the exponential effect of the anatocism of geometric progression of indexes on increasing or decreasing indexes, depending on the position or side of the seller or buyer. The videos of content producers have lost all sense of discretion and start asking for likes, subscriptions and memberships before introducing themselves and giving the idea that their work is about the theme of the tour and they start asking you for contributions or for your subscription, called subscription, to earn the remuneration called monetization. Then they talk in the beginning about themselves, about their pet, about their travels, their health and their disposition and after apologizing for being late due to the huge amount of commitments that delayed and postponed their posts, they start already ahead of time and in the middle of the total length of the video they start discussing peripheral subjects as if they were the editors of TV Globo on the famous Sunday program Fantástico Show da Vida, where you stay hooked until the end of the program to find out about that topic of the so-called headline that was announced since the beginning of the week, to finally tell you that long-awaited news that has nothing to do with the expectation created by the clickbait of the false headline. This is the most vain and narcissistic generation that has ever emerged in all civilizations on earth.

Roberto da Silva Rocha, professor universitário e cientista político

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